Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Adventure Travel Asia: Bali, Indonesia (Jimbaran Bay)

From Uluwatu Temple, we headed for Jimbaran Bay for a dinner by the beach. Literally by the beach!

Jimbaran Bay

The area is organized by a community of 24 restaurant owners. All their restaurants have the same size and overall look. All offer barbecued seafood at the same rates. Although they probably have their own specialty dishes.

They do this to make sure that everybody makes profit. No one big restaurant will monopolize the market.

While waiting for the sun to set and for your food to be served, you can have grilled corn ([i]inihaw na mais[/i]).

We ordered a seafood platter. It was good!.. except for the crabs. I guess we got used to nice big chili crabs in Singapore.


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